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杨盼盼作者: 来源: 时间:[2024-07-03]
姓名:杨盼盼 职称:讲师 学历:研究生学历 学位:博士学位 籍贯:山东 职称:讲师 导师;硕士研究生导师 毕业院校:上海师范大学 兼职职位:苍南县心理副校长 科研情况:招收应用心理学专业研究生。 1. 专业研究方向: (1)人际关系对青少年的自我认知和心理健康的影响; (2)心理健康问题的代际传递机制及干预阻断研究; 2. 所获成果(包括科研成果奖、专利、专著等) 在研科研项目: (1)2023年12月至今,温州医科大学人才启动项目,青少年自我概念影响因素、发展轨迹及其对心理健康的影响(项目编号:488922310) (2)2024年5月至今,温州医科大学基本科研业务经费,家庭健康促进视角下青少年抑郁的形成、发展及代际传递机制(项目编号:KYYW202337) 主持完成的科研项目: 无 2. 发表论文:(代表作5篇) 学术论文: (1)Yang, P.#, Li, X., Li, X., Li, D., Xu, X., & Zhao, C. (2024). Parent-grandparent co-parenting and preschoolers’ self-control in China: the roles of maternal and grandparental parenting styles. Early Education and Development, 35(3), 572-587. (SSCI Q2,共同第一作者) (2)Yang, P., Coplan, R.J., Zhang Y., & Ding, X. (2023). Assessment and implications of aloneliness in Chinese children and early adolescents. Journal of applied developmental psychology, 80(2023):101514. (SSCI Q1,第一作者) (3)Yang, P., Zhao, S., Li, D., Ma, Y., Liu, J., Chen, X., & French, D.C. (2022). Bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents: A moderated mediation model of self-esteem and friendship intimacy. Journal of affective disorders, 319, 48-56. (SSCI Q1,第一作者) (4)Yang, P., Xu, G., Zhao, S., Li, D., Liu, J., & Chen, X. (2021). Shyness and psychological maladjustment in Chinese adolescents: Selection and influence processes in friendship networks. Journal of youth and adolescence, 50(10), 2108–2121. (SSCI Q1,第一作者) (5)李欣琪,杨盼盼#,汪纬静, 李丹.(2021).母亲惩罚、鼓励社交与学龄前儿童社会技能的关系:害羞退缩的调节作用.中国临床心理学杂志,29(01):98-103.【CSSCI / CSCD核心,共同第一作者】 会议论文: [1] Yang,P., Wei,L., Li,D.(2024, June) Non-Linear Relationship Between BMI and the Developmental Trajectory of Peer Victimization: Grade, Gender, and Academic Achievement as Moderators. 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lisbon, Portugal. [2] Yang,P., Li,D., Sun,B., Ding, X.(2023, March). Developmental cascade and transactional associations among Chinese parents' self-esteem, authoritarian parenting, and adolescents’ self-esteem. 2023 Society for Research in Child Development(SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Utah, USA. [3] Yang,P., Li,D., Sun, B.(2023, April).The longitudinal relationships between parenting and Chinese adolescents’ psychological adjustment: the Contingent self-worth as mediators. 2023 Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)Annual Meeting,San Diego, USA. [4] Yang, P., Xu. G., Liu. X., Li, D., Liu, J., & Chen, X (2022, June). Friendship Homophily in the Development of the Chinese Adolescents’ Self-Views: A Longitudinal Dynamic Social Network Study. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavoural Development (ISSBD), Rhode, Greece.【获得travel award】 联系方式: E-mail:panpanyang@wmu.edu.cn 通讯地址:温州市瓯海区茶山高教园区温州医科大学精神医学学院 上一条:谢晓丹 下一条:杨利萍 【关闭窗口】 |