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卢克龙作者: 来源: 时间:[2024-04-01]
卢克龙,副研究员,硕士生导师。中国心理学会学习心理专业委员会委员、浙江省社会心理学会理事。2017-2020就读于华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,获博士学位。2020-2023于华东师范大学进行博士后进修。主要采用行为实验范式和基于近红外光谱成像(fNIRS)等技术的单/群体神经成像范式,探究群体创新或个体创新思维的认知神经基础,为指导和培训个体或群体创新思维提供多层次的科学证据。主持并参与多项国家级及省部级课题。相关成果已发表在国内顶级心理学期刊《心理学报》和《心理科学》,以及Trends in Cognitive Science, Journal of Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Cerebral Cortex, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience等国际知名学术期刊,共计30余篇,自19年以来被引500余次。曾受邀担任Nature Human Behaviour,《心理科学》等刊物的审稿专家。现主持1项国家自然科学基金青年项目和1项市厅级项目,参与2项国家社会科学基金项目。欢迎报考,联系邮箱:kll_wmu@163.com。 1. 专业研究方向 (1)团体/个体创新思维的认知神经机制。 (2)创新活动参与影响心理健康的认知神经机制。 2.所获成果 (1)科研项目 ① 国家自然科学基金:团体创新中的观念生成路径及其神经基础研究(2024.01-2026.12,主持,32300900,30) ② 温州市哲学社会科学规划课题:创新活动中独立思考与团体协作模式交替进行的必要性研究(2023.07-2024.07,主持,23WSK023YB,0.6) ③ 上海市超级博士后激励计划项目:团体创新活动的超脑网络特征(2020.11-2022.12,主持,2020150,30) ④ 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助二等项目:团体创新活动的多脑神经网络基础(2020.11-2022.12,主持,2020M681215,5) ⑤ 华东师范大学未来科学家培育项目:团体创造活动中的脑-脑间神经互动机制(2019.05-2021.05,主持,WLKXJ2019-003,15) (2)专著 ①《创造力神经科学》,“十四五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目的脑科学前沿译丛,浙江教育出版社(2022年,郝宁,卢克龙,王欣悦) (3)科研成果奖 ① 《心理学报》2021-2022年度高影响力论文奖(程瑞,卢克龙,郝宁) ② 苏州市第十五次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(袁欢,卢克龙,郝宁) 3.发表论文(第一或通讯作者,#共一) 1. Lu, K., & Pan, Y. (2023). A collective neuroscience lens on intergroup conflict. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27,985-986. 2. Lu, K., & Pan, Y. (2023). Toward an interpersonal neuroscience in technologically assisted (Virtual) interactions. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 3787-3788. 3. Lu, K., Gao, Z., Wang, X., Qiao, X., He, Y., Zhang, Y., & Hao, N. (2022). The hyper-brain neural couplings distinguishing high-creative group dynamics: An fNIRS hyperscanning study. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 1630–1642. 4. Lu, K., Qiao, X., Qiang, Y., & Hao, N. (2021). Educational diversity and group creativity: Evidence from fNIRS hyperscanning. NeuroImage, 243:118564. 5. Lu, K., Teng, J., & Hao, N. (2020). Gender of partner affects the interaction pattern during group creative idea generation. Experimental Brain Research, 238, 1157-1168. 6. Lu, K., Yu, T., & Hao, N. (2020). Creating while taking turns, the choice to unlocking group creative potential. NeuroImage, 219: 117025. 7. Lu, K., & Hao, N. (2019). When do we fall in neural synchrony with others? Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14, 253-261. 8. Lu, K., Qiao, X., & Hao, N. (2019). Praising or keeping silent on partner's ideas: Leading brainstorming in particular ways. Neuropsychologia, 124, 19-30. 9. Lu, K., Xue, H., Nozawa, T., & Hao, N. (2019). Cooperation makes a group be more creative. Cerebral Cortex, 29, 3457-3470. 10. 卢克龙, 郝宁. (2019). 团体创造力研究进展.见胡卫平(编).中国创造力研究进展报告 (2017-2018) (pp.100-118). 陕西:陕西师范大学出版总社. 11. Liu, Z. #, Lu, K. #, Hao, N., & Wang, Y. (2023). Cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression evoke distinct neural connections during interpersonal emotion regulation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 8456-8471. 12. Qiao, X.#, Lu, K.#, Yun, Q., & Hao, N. (2023). Similarities and distinctions between cortical neural substrates that underlie generation of malevolent creative ideas. eNeuro, 10: 0127-23. 13. Wang, X.#, Lu, K.#, He, Y., Gao, Z., & Hao, N. (2022). Close spatial distance and direct gaze bring better communication outcomes and intertwined neural networks. NeuroImage, 261: 119515. 14. Xue, H.#, Lu, K. #, & Hao, N. (2018). Cooperation makes two less-creative individuals turn into a highly-creative pair. NeuroImage, 172, 527-537. 15. Qiao, X.#, Lu, K.#, Teng, J., Gao, Z., & Hao, N. (2022). Middle occipital area differentially associates with malevolent versus benevolent creativity: An fNIRS investigation. Social Neuroscience, 17, 127-142. 16. Yuan, H.#, Lu, K.#, Jing, M., Yang, C., & Hao, N. (2022). Examples in creative exhaustion: The role of example features and individual differences in creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 189:111473. 17. Yuan, H.#, Lu, K.#, & Hao, N. (2021). Examples facilitate divergent thinking: The effect of timing and quality. Consciousness and Cognition, 93:103169. 上一条:朱祥和 下一条:周强 【关闭窗口】 |