

作者:   来源:   时间:[2024-05-14]

姓名:刘德辉 Joseph Lau  职称:教授  学历:研究生  学位:博士

刘德辉教授为加州大学伯克利分校硕士及博士、浙江大学光彪讲座教授、温州医科大学精神医学学院领军人物及應用心理學系系主任、温州医科大学公共精神健康中心创始主任、温州医科大学附属康宁医院公共精神卫生首席科学家。现亦担任英国皇家内科医学院公共卫生学院院士,香港中文大学终身教授、博士生导师及健康行为研究中心创始主任,曾任该校公共卫生学院副院长、中国科学院心理所客座教授及海外评审专家及顾问。他是 2023国际的 Best Scientist Award得奖人,亦入选Stanford University 全球 2%顶尖科学家(2022年为全中国公共卫生排名首位)。刘教授是国际知名的行为及心理健康学专家,曾获由二十多个国家分会组成的国际行为医学学颁发杰出科学家奖和国际合作奖两个奖项及香港政府最佳健康促进奖项。现任中华预防医学协会行为健康分会副主任委员、 中国心理学会行为健康专业委员会副主任委员及香港行为健康学会主席、清华大学客座研究员、中山大学海外名师。他是候任SSCI 期刊 International Journal of Mental Health主编及多本国际杂志编委。他共获得了140多研究项目资助,发表了約720篇sci/ssci文章(包括Lancet,BMJ),被引用超过28000次,h-index为83。研究興趣包括青少年和学生及精神障礙病患者的心生理健康,例如抑鬱、遊戲成癮、自傷的筛查、 預防及干預等。


  • 2023国际Best Scientist Award得奖人

  • Stanford University全球2%顶尖科学家(2022年全中国公共卫生排名首位)

  • 国际行为医学学颁发杰出科学家奖和国际合作奖

  • 香港政府最佳健康促进奖项


  • 中华预防医学协会行为健康分会副主任委员

  • 中国心理学会行为健康专业委员会副主任委员

  • 香港行为健康学会主席

  • 清华大学客座研究员

  • 中山大学海外名师


  1. Yu, Y.#, Zhang, X. #, Lau, M. M. C., Lau, J. T. F.      (2023).* The      Intention to Get COVID-19 Booster Vaccination and Its Association with      Cognitive and Emotional Factors: a Survey of Chinese COVID-19 Infected      People in Hong Kong. Vaccine. Accept in press. (JCR Q2;      IF=5.5; 中科院三区)

  2. Yu, Y., Fong, V.W.I., Li, J., Zhang, J., Lau, J. T. F.      (2023).* The      Independent Impacts of Perceived Immediate and Future Benefits of Internet      Gaming on Internet Gaming Disorder among Adolescent Internet gamers in      China: Mediation via Internet Gaming Time. Computers in      Human Behavior. 107965. (JCR Q1; IF = 9.9; 中科院一区)

  3. Yu, Y., Ling, R.H.Y., Ng, J.H.Y., Lau, M. M. C., Ip,      T.K.M., Lau, J. T. F. (2023).* Illness representation of COVID-19 affected      responses to the Living with the Virus Policy: A cross-sectional study      conducted in a Chinese general population. Frontiers in      Public Health. 11, 1158096. (JCR Q1; IF = 5.2; 中科院三区)

  4. Xie, Z.#, Lau, J. T. F#, Liang, Y. #, Ouyang, Q.,      Chen, J., Lin, S., Yao, K., Hu, X., Lin, H., Yu, Y., Zeng, De. (2023).* Prevalence      and factors of COVID-19 vaccine refusal among solid cancer patients in      China: an application of the health belief model. Frontiers in      Public Health. 11, 1236376. (JCR Q1; IF = 5.2; 中科院三区)

  5. Yu, Y., Yen, S.H.Y., Jiang, L.C., Ming, W.K., Lau, M.      M. C., Lau, J. T. F. (2023).* Levels and determinants of COVID-19 vaccination      at a later phase among Chinese older people aged 60 years or older: a      population-based survey. Vaccines. 11 (6), 1029. (JCR Q2; IF =      7.8; 中科院三区)


1. Lau JTF, Wang Z, Luo S, Mo PKH. Impact of COVID-19 on HIV testing behaviours among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. ATF (AIDS Trust Fund). HKD 498,628.

2. Lau JTF, Yang X, She R, Xin M. Who in the general public support violent actions in the social movement and why? Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special round). HKD 482,873.5

3. Lau JTF, Wong MCS, Mo PKH, Mak WWS. A randomized controlled trial evaluating two e-health interventions (presence/absence of motivational interviewing) in increasing colorectal cancer screening among people aged 50-60 with moderate risk. HMRF (Health and Medical Research Fund). HKD 1,198,022.

4. Lau JTF. A 3-phase survey, training, and inter-disciplinary combined on-line/offline, theory-based and evidence-based intervention for prevention of psychoactive substance use among adolescents who are case-work clients of social workers (The My Sunny Way Project). Beat Drugs Fund. HKD 2,791,153.79

5. Mo PKH, Wong SYS, Lau JTF, Mak WWS, Kwok T, Wong EYL, Lee YKC. Mitigating loneliness of older adults through cognitive behavioral approach and peer and family support: A randomized controlled trial. Health and Medical Research Fund. HKD 1,442,533

