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汪伟作者: 来源: 时间:[2019-12-06]
1.专业研究方向:(1)自闭症的发病机制(2)核内蛋白翻译对神经退行性疾病病理成因的影响 2. 所获成果(包括科研成果奖、专利、专著等) ①国家自然科学基金:关于核编码的线粒体基因mRNA的局部翻译对于轴突生长发育和神经环路构建的功能意义(2019.01-2021.12,主持) ②温州市科技局项目:关于网络游戏成瘾生物标记物的唾液检测以及成瘾机制的研究(2019.08-2022.08,主持) 3.发表论文 ①Wang Wei等. Astrocytic YAP promotes formation of glia scars and neural regeneration after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience.2020. 40(13):2644-2662. (IF=6.074) ②Wang Wei(第二作者). IRES-mediated translation of cofilin regulates axonal growth cone extension and turning. EMBO journal. 2019. 37(5). (IF=11.227) ③Wang Wei(第一作者). DSCR1 is required for both axonal growth cone extension and steering. Journal of cell biology. 2013. 213(4):451-462. (IF=8.891) ④Wang Wei(第二作者) . Increased ER–mitochondria tethering promotes axon regeneration. PNAS. 2019. 116(32):16074-16079. (IF=9.58)
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